Wellbeing for schools

Wellbeing of staff and pupils is now at the top of the agenda for many school leadership teams.

Life has changed profoundly in the last 3 years. A constant state of disruption and uncertainty has replaced the sense of stability, familiarity and certainty that people were used to.

Children and their family's needs have changed. The workforce has changed.

The impact of the last three years since the pandemic, followed by subsequent catch up agendas and now the return to pre-pandemic expectations of schools, children, teachers and leaders has resulted in an exhausted workforce, leading to well reported recruitment and retention issues.

Compassion 2

Too often responsibility for wellbeing is placed upon the individual. However, we are in the wake of experiencing collective trauma, which requires a collective response.

Research suggests that when it comes to collective trauma there is no possible meaningful way forward except collective healing. If we don’t focus on our collective experience, we're not actually recovering from the pandemic or the subsequent impact of it. In placing our collective efforts on nurturing safety, building compassion and reconnecting with community, only then the workforce will be able to fulfil their vision of helping children and young people thrive and achieve their potential.

Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable (Bondei proverb)

How we can help?

We understand the need for leadership teams to make sense of these complex issues, so they can fully meet the needs of children, young people and the adults supporting them.

Our approach is supported by extensive neuroscience, which we make relatable and accessible, but most importantly we are caring and compassionate in how we work with you.

We offer...

Over 12 months, we will work with your school to include the following:

Collaborative Enquiry – This is an assessment of your school’s ‘as is’ position regarding staff wellbeing. As external experts, people share with us honest responses regarding how they really are. When you know what the real issues are, you can do something about it. Name it, you can tame it!

Reflective Practice for LeadersCreate a safe space for leaders to reflect on their own practice and make sense of their experience with their colleagues. This rarely happens during supervision, but it is essential as it strengthens the relational bonds that are needed for recovery.

Strategy DevelopmentDevelop strategies for collective efficacy and how to nurture bridging, building and healing social capital, vital in rebuilding connectedness and resilience.

Whole School Training Deliver training on collective trauma and the importance of relationship building within the recovery process.

Staff wellbeing flyer

Download our flyer to share with your team

To find out more

email: david.robinson@kca.training or call 01453 488400