Meet our Associates
Each of our associates has years of excellence in practice, using the theory and research that underpins our training and consultancy to inform their own work.
They come from a variety of backgrounds: foster care, early years, teaching, therapy, social work, psychology, health and justice. Many of them have moved between disciplines, as their interests have taken them in different directions. What they all offer is a wealth of practical experience, both in direct work with vulnerable people, and in sharing their knowledge and wisdom with others.
Ann Berry
Formerly a Public Health and Commissioning Manager with experience of working across the life course in adult and children young people and families agendas.
Brian Roberts
Brian is an independent consultant and trainer on supporting vulnerable and traumatised children and young people.
Dean Reilly-Sharp
Dean was a primary school teacher, SENDCo in both Primary and Secondary sector, then went on to be an advisory teacher for Virtual Schools and a Deputy Head of a Special school.
Diane Blandford
Diane Blandford is a former Detective Inspector with 3 decades of policing experience. Diane now works with the Police and Crime Commissioner supporting delivery against the local police & crime plan.
Felicia Wood
Associate trainer for KCA and Independent Representative for the Employee Owned Trust.
Gemma Novis
Gemma is a dedicated community and youth work practitioner fuelled by her passion for community development, equalities, and inclusion.
Heather Daulphin
Heather qualified as a History teacher in 1984. She went on to work at Hampstead School for 22 years as Senior Deputy. Key attributes; Leadership, SEMH, Safeguarding, EDI, Staff Development and HR.
Hilary Smith
Hilary is a recognised national school leader in behaviour and attendance (NPSLBA) and a qualified teacher coach.
Jessica Tett
Jessica has worked in and around trauma her whole career: from working in countries with histories of generational and more recent collective traumas, to supporting traumatised individuals directly.
Jo McAndrews
Jo is a therapist, trainer and consultant who is held in particular regard for her direct work with children and families experiencing change such as divorce and bereavement.
Julie Revels
Julie's background is rooted in understanding and meeting the needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities, (SEND) with a specific focus on social, emotional and mental health.
Keith Davies
Keith has extensive experience as a Residential Social Worker & as a Probation Officer. As well as 20 years as a University Lecturer and Tutor working with Social Workers and Probation Officers.
Maria Lawton
Maria's career has focussed on working directly with disadvantaged and troubled young people, and designing and delivering stimulating and relevant training to professionals and volunteers.
Mick Haselden
Mick is a trainer, consultant & coach in trauma-informed systems & approaches.
As well as an experienced parenting practitioner who provides specialist support to both individuals & families.
Nicky Spencer-Hutchings
Nicky is an Education and Family Support consultant specialising in SEMHD supporting primary and secondary schools, alternative providers and birth, adopted and foster families.
Pat Finegan
Pat has worked in a number of Education related positions across the years including as a lead Ofsted Inspector, qualified teacher in Primary Education & as a Virtual School Headteacher for LAC.
Polly Wright
Polly is an experienced keynote speaker, trainer, researcher and project manager.
Rachael Pryor
Rachael is a Bristol based practitioner who has been a Teacher, SENDco, Teacher Coach, Inclusion Lead, and Headteacher, as well as nine years experience as a Virtual School Headteacher (VSH) for CiC.
Richard Waite
Richard started work in this field twenty-eight years ago when he founded a residential service for children and adults using innovative approaches to outdoor education and groupwork.
Sally Patterson
Sally has spent the last 13 years as Manager of Home-Start, a St. Albans based charity working to support vulnerable and disadvantaged families.
Sheila Mulvenney
During her career in Health, Care and Education Sheila has worked in a wide variety of settings and roles in the Community, schools, colleges and several local authorities.
Suzi Moore
Suzi has worked with children and families in social care and health settings for 20 years.
Tom Pyne
Tom has had a distinguished career as a teacher, trainer, adviser and consultant for children with special needs, and has particular interests in adoption and therapeutic work.