Narrative work

Audience School staff, Social workers, Foster carers, Adopters
Course Level 4
Hours 20

Learning criteria

  • Explain how narrative forms part of child development
  • Analyse the importance of narrative formation across key dimensions of childhood development
  • Explain how childhood trauma can affect narrative formation
  • Identify key elements of formal and informal life story work in helping children build narrative
  • Explain how you can enable children and young people with impaired narrative formation to begin to make sense of their lives
  • Demonstrate how you can work with children and young people with distorted narratives to develop a strong and positive sense of identity
  • Analyse how different people in the network can have a constructive or destructive impact on the child\u2019s developing narrative
  • Demonstrate how you can influence others in the network to promote the development of a positive sense of self for the child

Learning outcomes

  • Understand how childhood trauma affects the creation of life narrative
  • Be able to develop skills in narrative work
  • Understand how systems & processes can promote positive narrative or reinforce distortions