Criminal Justice

Developing trauma informed justice systems

KCA works with a range of agencies from across the criminal justice sector including probation, youth offending services, community safety, police and prison-based staff. We look to support both systemic and practice change, contributing to the development of trauma informed services that support resilience-building amongst both practitioners and those who they support.

'A trauma informed workforce enables a more empathetic approach, reduces the risk of retraumatising, and increases the likelihood of understanding what’s behind the presenting issue.'

College of Policing and Public Health England, 2019

The need

Those individuals involved in the criminal justice system are some of the most vulnerable individuals in our communities. They are more likely to have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) as well as unemployment, insecure housing, poor mental and physical health, poverty and relationship breakdown as they move into adulthood. These sources of vulnerability in adulthood can be both the causes and indicators of trauma and can impact on behaviour, relationships, learning, physical and mental health and feelings of self worth. It is therefore essential that the criminal justice system provides a trauma informed workforce that understands and values relationship-based, compassionate approaches.

We recognise that practitioners working with individuals involved in the criminal justice system are often working in incredibly demanding and challenging roles, regularly witnessing trauma first hand and supporting those who have experienced trauma.

Criminal Justice 1

'A fascinating and complex issue that was covered in an understandable way. I was left with a desire to learn and understand more and to put into practice some of the tips – especially five to thrive.'

Kent, Surrey and Sussex Community Rehabilitation Company, participant of KCA Training Nov 2020

Our support

Our training and consultancy offers key knowledge to support practice in the criminal justice sector, including:

Mending Hurts: promoting recovery from trauma

• Community Resilience and Connected Relationships: Building Compassionate Communities

• Secondary trauma: developing reflective practice, preventing and managing secondary traumatic stress

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'It was very interesting to learn new information. I thought having been a police officer for over 30 years it would be a bit boring and I would know it already, but I learnt lots of new skills.'

Wiltshire Police, participant of KCA training Jan 2021

Example Learning Journeys

We have delivered a range of different learning journeys to support services to develop trauma informed practices: helping practitioners to recognise and understand trauma and secondary trauma, as well as supporting them to promote recovery and build resilience both within their services and colleagues and in the communities in which they work.

Once we have a clear understanding of the training needs and the target audience, we will develop a learning journey that offers the best fit in terms of cost, target audience and practice development.