Bridging the gap between trauma informed theory and practice

Many schools and education establishments have received some trauma informed practice training and understand the importance of recognising and responding to trauma in their settings. However, some are finding it challenging to move from theory to practice.

AATRIButES is a way of supporting professionals to notice what they are already doing in practice that builds connected relationships and promotes recovery from trauma and will showcase strategies used in schools to meet the needs of children, young people, families and colleagues who are impacted upon by trauma or have unmet needs.

In this way AATRIButES will support the wellbeing of everyone in your school community and lead to more good days at school for everyone. AATRIButES will help schools make progress on key KPIs including attendance, suspensions and exclusions and academic progress.

AATRIButES draws on attachment theory, research into trauma informed practice, educational psychology and years of classroom practice and school leadership experience.

AATRIButES is based on the principle that the way we frame the behaviour we see influences our response to it and it is our response that can harm or heal the person whose needs are being communicated through their behaviour.

AATTRIButES is designed to support both classroom practitioners with their day-to-day work with children and young people and school leaders with their strategic planning and development.

The knowledge base we draw from is wide and each input will be co-created based on the needs of the school at the time.

Medway schools
Medway schools

AATRIButES for classroom practitioners

Attachment Aware relational practice: the small things that make a big difference to promote secure connected relationships and create a secure base in our classrooms including developing a sense of belonging through relational, restorative approaches, using Five to Thrive to build and maintain healthy brains in the classroom

Trauma Recovery Informed: de-escalating stress and trauma driven behaviour in the classroom, promoting the 9 outcomes of recovery from trauma through day-to-day interactions, using restorative approaches to promote collective recovery, minimising shame responses in the classroom

Universal: promoting pro-social behaviour through emotion coaching, using language that cares, authentic active listening, reducing the cognitive load in our classrooms

Targeted support: Holding Together consultancy to understand a CYP’s narrative and to equip adults with confidence to meet the needs of the child; Using Five to Thrive to meet the needs of CYP with SEND and SEMH; building a positive narrative and identity; using resilience mapping to counterbalance impact of adversity with protective factors; reframing behaviour as communication of need through a lens of compassionate curiosity, understanding shame

Emotional Regulation: developing vagal tone in practitioners so they can remain well-regulated; understanding co-regulation, Emotional Me a program for developing emotional literacy and self-regulation in CYP, social narration and metacognition for emotional intelligence

Support: Staff wellbeing through reflective practice and restorative approaches for staff, building network resilience, preventing and managing secondary traumatic stress

AATRIButES for school leaders

Medway 29th april 2
Medway 29th april 2

Impact and outcomes framework – an audit tool to identify the change mechanisms which will support your school on its attachment aware trauma informed journey

Policies, practices and processes – a consultative course which will help school leaders to identify which policies, processes and practices to focus on to move their school forward on their journey

Consultation on:

  • Authoritative school leadership
  • Promoting staff resilience
  • Relational behaviour policies
  • Physical environment of your setting
  • Curriculum for recovery
  • Reflective practice training
  • Ripple effect mapping
  • Micro-scripting relational practice

Tools to support your journey including 40 briefing inputs: quotes and video resources to keep the learning alive